Harry Potter Hebrew Frequency List:
רשימת מילים לפי שכיחות בספרי הארי פוטר ואבן החכמים
These are the 1,000 most frequently used words in הארי פוטר ואבן החכמים (hari poter ve'even hakhakhamim), which is the Hebrew translation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone.
In total, there are nearly 14,000 unique Hebrew words.
Nearly 9,000 of them are used only once.
The most frequent word, את, is used over 1500 times.
The top 10 words alone (את, לא, הוא, הארי, של, על, אני, זה, אמר, היה) represent nearly 15% of all the words in the book.
The top 1,000 words presented here represent nearly two-thirds of all the words in the book. Aside from Harry Potter-specific names and words, all of the words are common in Modern Hebrew.
I have divided the words into different grammatical categories for ease of access and understanding.
Here is the YouTube channel of a native Hebrew speaker who read the entire book.
You'll notice that all the words are left in their natural state - conjugated and with prefixes and suffixes. Thus, you might see the same word in multiple forms. This is intentional, because this is how Hebrew really looks. In the transliteration, as with all the other transliterations on this website, you should emphasize the last syllable in Hebrew unless specified otherwise with an underline.
If you are able to support this website and my efforts in creating so much high-quality free Hebrew learning materials, please support me HERE.
In total, there are nearly 14,000 unique Hebrew words.
Nearly 9,000 of them are used only once.
The most frequent word, את, is used over 1500 times.
The top 10 words alone (את, לא, הוא, הארי, של, על, אני, זה, אמר, היה) represent nearly 15% of all the words in the book.
The top 1,000 words presented here represent nearly two-thirds of all the words in the book. Aside from Harry Potter-specific names and words, all of the words are common in Modern Hebrew.
I have divided the words into different grammatical categories for ease of access and understanding.
Here is the YouTube channel of a native Hebrew speaker who read the entire book.
You'll notice that all the words are left in their natural state - conjugated and with prefixes and suffixes. Thus, you might see the same word in multiple forms. This is intentional, because this is how Hebrew really looks. In the transliteration, as with all the other transliterations on this website, you should emphasize the last syllable in Hebrew unless specified otherwise with an underline.
If you are able to support this website and my efforts in creating so much high-quality free Hebrew learning materials, please support me HERE.
Preposition | milat yakhas | מילת יחס |
[Direct object (D.O.) indicator] | et | את |
Of, belonging to | shel | של |
On, about | al | על |
Him (D.O.); same | oto | אותו |
His | shelo | שלו |
To him | lo | לו |
To, towards, into | el | אל |
With | im | עם |
Like, as | kmo | כמו |
In order to, so that | kedei | כדי |
To me | li | לי |
Up to, until | ad | עד |
To you | lekha/lakh | לך |
Before | lifnei | לפני |
Your | shelkha/shelakh | שלך |
To them (m.) | lahem | להם |
Them (D.O.) | otam | אותם |
After | akahrei | אחרי |
You (m./f.s.) (D.O.) | otkha/otakh | אותך |
At him, in it | bo | בו |
Her (D.O.) | ota | אותה |
My, mine | sheli | שלי |
Above | me’al | מעל |
Inside, within | betokh | בתוך |
Me (D.O.) | oti | אותי |
Theirs (m.) | shelahem | שלהם |
On him/it | alav | עליו |
From, out of | mitokh | מתוך |
To us | lanu | לנו |
Into, inside | letokh | לתוך |
For | bishvil | בשביל |
Without | bli | בלי |
To him | la | לה |
Between | bein | בין |
Because of, due to | biglal | בגלל |
To him, at him | elav | אליו |
To you (m.p.) | lakhem | לכם |
Her(s) | shela | שלה |
Near, next to, by | leyad | ליד |
From us | mimenu | ממנו |
Behind | me’akhorei | מאחורי |
Our(s) | shelanu | שלנו |
From | min | מן |
Below, underneath | mitakhat | מתחת |
Along, lengthwise | le’orekh | לאורך |
In it, in which | shebo | שבו |
And [D.O.] | ve’et | ואת |
At her, in it | ba | בה |
Instead of | bimkom | במקום |
Around | saviv | סביב |
At the same | ba’oto | באותו |
Nothing | klum | כלום |
Out of | mikhuts | מִחוץ |
Despite, even though | lamrot | למרות |
In addition to, apart from | milvad | מלבד |
Us | otanu | אותנו |
Your(s) | shelakhem | שלכם |
Toward, to | le’ever | לעבר |
As a | betor | בתור |
Opposite, in front of | mul | מול |
On/about them | aleihem | עליהם |
And on/about | ve’al | ועל |
With him | ito | איתו |
At, in possession of | etsel | אצל |
Because | mipnei she… | מפני ש... |
Against | mipnei | מפני |
Through | miba’ad | מבעד |
Toward him | le’evro | לעברו |
Against, versus | neged | נגד |
Following, in someone’s footsteps | be’ikvot | בעקבות |
After (some amount time) | ka’avor | כעבור |
You (m.p.) (D.O.) | etkhem | אתכם |
For you (m./f.s.) | bishvilka/bishvilekh | בשבילך |
From you (m./f.s.) | mimkha/mimekh | ממך |
With me | iti | איתי |
On you, about you | aleikha/alaikh | עליך |
To them, toward them | eleihem | אליהם |
By, via | al yedei | על־ידי |
Beside | letsad | לצד |
With you (m./f.s.) | itkha/itakh | איתך |
Toward; in preparation for | likrat | לקראת |
After me | akharai | אחרַי |
Behind him | me’akhorav | מאחוריו |
After, later | akhar | אחר |
As, according to | kfi | כפי |
In/with/at you (m./f/s.) | bekha/bakh | בך |
Following him, in his footsteps, in his tracks | be’ikvotav | בעקבותיו |
Under | takhat | תחת |
After him | akharav | אחריו |
Without | mibli | מבלי |
Above him, off of him | me’alav | מעליו |
Behind them | me’akhoreihem | מאחוריהם |
Around him | svivo | סביבו |
That (is/are) behind | sheme’akhorei | שמאחורי |
For him/it | bishvilo | בשבילו |
For the sake of | lema’an | למען |
And until, and up to, and as far as | ve’ad | ועד |
At me, by me | bi | בי |
By | me’et | מאת |
Pronoun | kinui | כינוי |
You (f.s.) | at | את |
He | hu | הוא |
This, that (m.) | ze | זה |
I | ani | אני |
They (m.) | hem | הם |
You (m.s.) | ata | אתה |
She | hi | היא |
That he | shehu | שהוא |
Something | mashehu | משהו |
(The) this | haze | הזה |
You (m.p.) | atem | אתם |
That they | shehem | שהם |
Everyone, all of them | kulam | כולם |
This, that (f.) | zot | זאת |
That I | she’ani | שאני |
That this | sheze | שזה |
We | anakhnu | אנחנו |
And he | vehu | והוא |
That you (f.s.) | she’ata | שאתה |
And they (m.) | vehem | והם |
Like this/that | kaze | כזה |
Which, what a (m.) | eize | איזה |
From this | mize | מזה |
Someone, anyone | mishehu | מישהו |
That she | shehi | שהיא |
That, that (f.) | zo | זו |
And I | va’ani | ואני |
And you (f.s.) | ve’at | ואת |
The these | ha’ele | האלה |
When he | kshehu | כשהוא |
From them | mehem | מהם |
At this/that | beze | בזה |
To this/that | leze | לזה |
At them | bahem | בהם |
The this | hazot | הזאת |
These | ele | אלה |
That we | she’anakhnu | שאנחנו |
And this/that | veze | וזה |
When they | kshehem | כשהם |
To himself | le’atsmo | לעצמו |
And you (f.s.) | ve’ata | ואתה |
Like these | ka’ele | כאלה |
That someone | shemishehu | שמישהו |
That everyone | shekulam | שכולם |
And she | vehi | והיא |
That you (m.p.) | she’atem | שאתם |
They (f.) | hen | הן |
Which, what a (f.) | eizo | איזו |
In which, in what | be’eize | באיזה |
This is; that’s it | zehu | זהו |
That you (f.s.) | she’at | שאת |
Adverb | to'ar hapo'al | תואר הפועל |
No, not | lo | לא |
Don’t! | al | אל |
More, another, still | od | עוד |
More, more than | yoter | יותר |
Already | kvar | כבר |
There | sham | שם |
There is, there are | yesh | יש |
Very | me’od | מאוד |
And then | ve’az | ואז |
yes | ken | כן |
So (much) | kol kakh | כל־כך |
Again | shuv | שוב |
Here | kan | כאן |
Then | az | אז |
That no | shelo | שלא |
Almost | kimat | כמעט |
Even | afilu | אפילו |
Exactly | bediyuk | בדיוק |
There, over there | shama | שמה |
Maybe, perhaps | ulai | אולי |
At all, in general | bikhlal | בכלל |
A little | ktsat | קצת |
Most | beyoter | ביותר |
Now | akhshav | עכשיו |
There isn’t, there aren’t | ein | אין |
Really | mamash | ממש |
Like this, this way | kakh | כך |
Truly, indeed, really | be’emet | באמת |
A lot, many, much | harbe | הרבה |
Suddenly | pitom | פתאום |
Immediately | miyad | מייד |
Still, yet | adayin | עדיין |
Too (much) | midai | מדי |
Today | hayom | היום |
Certainly, of course | betakh | בטח |
Possible | efshar | אפשר |
On the way back | bakhazara | בחזרה |
At all | klal | כלל |
That there is/are | sheyesh | שיש |
Forward | kadima | קדימה |
Totally, completely | legamrei | לגמרי |
The most | hakhi | הכי |
And no/not | velo | ולא |
Especially, mainly | bimyukhad | במיוחד |
Finally, in the end | levasof | לבסוף |
[question particle] | ha’im | האם |
Here | po | פה |
Less, less than | pakhot | פחות |
To here (direction) | lekhan | לכאן |
Quickly, fast | maher | מהר |
And now | ve’akhshav | ועכשיו |
Few, little | me’at | מעט |
Probably, apparently | kanire | כנראה |
Hardly, with difficulty | bekoshi | בקושי |
Of course, certainly | kamuvan | כמובן |
Generally | bederekh klal | בדרך כלל |
All of a sudden | lefeta | לפתע |
Like that | kakha | ככה |
Since | me’az | מאז |
Inward | pnima | פנימה |
Non- (negative particle) | bilti | בלתי |
It is worthwhile | kedai | כדאי |
Enough | dai | די |
From there | misham | משם |
Simply, just | stam | סתם |
Inside | bifnim | בפנים |
To there | lesham | לשם |
Never | me’olam | מעולם |
Without | lelo | ללא |
The following day | lemakharat | למחרת |
And again | veshuv | ושוב |
Afterwards, later | akhar kakh | אחר־כך |
Quickly | bimhirut | במהירות |
That there isn’t/aren’t | she’ein | שאין |
Indeed, surely | akhen | אכן |
Somehow | eikhshehu | איכשהו |
That not even | she’af | שאף |
Tonight; the evening (noun) | ha’erev | הערב |
Carefully | bizhirut | בזהירות |
Lots of, plenty | hamon | המון |
He/it is not | eino | אינו |
At least | lefakhot | לפחות |
Angrily | beka’as | בכעס |
At once | bevat akhat | בבת־אחת |
That is to say, in other words | klomar | כלומר |
Down, downwards | mata | מטה |
Differently, otherwise | akheret | אחרת |
Nervously | be’atsbanut | בעצבנות |
Outwards, outside | hakhutsa | החוצה |
From here | mikan | מכאן |
That already | shekvar | שכבר |
Outside | bakhuts | בחוץ |
Meanwhile | bentayim | בינתיים |
Aside | hatsida | הצידה |
Apart from, except for | khuts | חוץ |
Together | yakhad | יחד |
Now, currently | ka’et | כעת |
That | lekakh she… | לכך ש… |
Possibly, it is possible | yitakhen | ייתכן |
Twice | pa’amayim | פעמים |
Excitedly | behitragshut | בהתרגשות |
Down, downwards, downstairs | lemata | למטה |
On me, about me; I must | alai | עלי |
Wide open | lirvakha | לרווחה |
Finally | sof sof | סוף־סוף |
That maybe | she’ulai | שאולי |
About, approximately | be’erekh | בערך |
Definitely, certainly | behekhlet | בהחלט |
And there | vesham | ושם |
Tomorrow | makhar | מחר |
And immediately | umiyad | ומייד |
Actually, in fact | lema’ase | למעשה |
For sure, certainly | vadai | ודאי |
Up, upwards | mala | מעלה |
Yesterday | etmol | אתמול |
Down, downhill | bemorad | במורד |
Forever; never (with לא) | le’olam | לעולם |
Now, currently | ata | עתה |
Well, thoroughly | heitev | היטב |
Very soon | tekhef | תכף |
Back and forth | halokh vashov | הלוך ושוב |
Back and forth | halokh vekhazor | הלוך וחזור |
Name | shem | שם |
Harry | hari | הארי |
Ron | ron | רון |
Hagrid | hagrid | האגְריד |
Hermione | hermayoni | הֶרמַיוֹני |
Dumbledore | dambeldor | דַמבֶּלדוֹר |
Snape | sneip | סְנֵייפּ |
Vernon | vernon | וֶרנון |
Dudley | dadli | דאדְלי |
Malfoy | malfoi | מאלְפוֹי |
Quirrell | kwirel | קְווִירֶל |
McGonagall | mekgonagel | מֶקְגוֹנַגֶל |
Neville | nevil | נֶוויל |
Potter | poter | פּוֹטר |
To Harry | lehari | להארי |
Gryffindor | grifindor | גרִיפִינְדור |
Dursley | darsli | דַרסְלי |
Petunia | petunya | פֶּטוּנְיה |
And Harry | vehari | והארי |
And Hermione | vehermayoni | והֶרמַיוֹני |
That Harry | shehari | שהארי |
Wood | wud | ווּד |
Filch | filch | פִילְץ' |
Weasley | wizli | וויזְלי |
And Ron | veron | ורון |
Slytherin | slitherin | סליתְ'רין |
Hogwarts | hogworts | הוֹגְווֹרטְס |
At Hogwarts | behogworts | בהוֹגְווֹרטְס |
Fred | fred | פְרֶד |
The quidditch | hakwidich | הקְווידיץ' |
Percy | persi | פֶּרסי |
When Harry | kshehari | כשהארי |
The Dursleys | hadarslim | הדַרסְלים |
Flamel | flamel | פְלַאמֶל |
That Hagrid | shehagrid | שהאגְריד |
Granger | greinjer | גְרֵיינְגֶ'ר |
Voldemort | voldemort | ווֹלְדֶמוֹרט |
At/for Harry | behari | בהארי |
The troll | hatrol | הטְרוֹל |
That Snape | shesneip | שסְנֵייפּ |
Quidditch | kwidich | קְווידיץ' |
Flitwick | flitik | פְלִיטִיק |
That Dudley | shedadli | שדאדְלי |
Crab | krab | קְרַאבּ |
Charlie | charli | צ'ארלי |
To Ron | leron | לרון |
Nicolas | nikolas | ניקולַס |
Fluffy | flafi | פְלאפִי |
The snitch | hasnich | הסְנִיץ' |
Ollivander | olivander | אוֹליבַנדֶר |
George | jorj | ג'ורג' |
Goyle | goil | גוֹיל |
Peeves | pivs | פִּיבס |
Firenze | firenze | פִירֶנְזֶה |
Bane | bein | בֵּיין |
You-know-who | ata-yode’a-mi | אתה־יודע־מי |
Gringotts | gringots | גרינְגוֹטְס |
To Hagrid | lehagrid | להאגְריד |
To Gryffindor | legrifindor | לגרִיפִינְדור |
And George | vejorj | וג'ורג' |
Ronan | ronan | רוֹנַאן |
Norris | noris | נוֹריס |
Scabbers | skabers | סְקַאבֶּרְס |
Pomfrey | pomfri | פּוֹמפְרי |
Seamus | sheimus | שֵׁיימוּס |
The quaffle | haku’afel | הקוּאַפְל |
Hufflepuff | hafelpaf | הַפְלְפַּאף |
Hooch | huch | הוּץ' |
Norbert | norbert | נורבֶּרט |
Privet | privet | פְּרִיוֶוט |
Potter | poter | פּוֹטֶר |
And Dudley | vedadli | ודאדְלי |
That Ron | sheron | שרון |
Muggles | mugelgim | מוּגְלְגים |
Flint | flint | פלינט |
Fang | fang | פַנג |
And to Hermione | ulehermayoni | ולהֶרמַיוֹני |
That Dumbledore | shedambeldor | שדַמבֶּלדוֹר |
Verb | po'al | פועל |
He said | amar | אמר |
He was | haya | היה |
They were | hayu | היו |
She was | haita | היתה |
He seems/he seemed | nire/nira | נראה |
I/you/he can | yakhol | יכול |
She said | amra | אמרה |
I/you/he know(s) | yode’a | יודע |
To do | la’asot | לעשות |
To see | lirot | לראות |
I/you/he/she want(s) | rotse/rotsa | רוצה |
To be | lihiyot | להיות |
He asked | sha’al | שאל |
I/you/he think(s) | khoshev | חושב |
He saw | ra’a | ראה |
He succeeded | hitsli’akh | הצליח |
He knew | yada | ידע |
That was | shehaya | שהיה |
To go | lalekhet | ללכת |
It will be | yihiye | יהיה |
I/you/he need(s) | tsarikh | צריך |
He tried | nisa | ניסה |
He thought | khashav | חשב |
He stood | amad | עמד |
It happened | kara | קרה |
He looked | hibit | הביט |
You/she will tell | tagid | תגיד |
He wanted | ratsa | רצה |
I was | hayiti | הייתי |
He/it felt | hirgish | הרגיש |
To tell | lehagid | להגיד |
I/you/he/she tries | menase/menasa | מנסה |
To talk, speak | ledaber | לדבר |
He opened | patakh | פתח |
I/you/he stand(s) | omed | עומד |
I/you/he/she see(s) | ro’e/ro’a | רואה |
I/you/he put(s) | sim | שׂם |
He heard | shama | שמע |
He did | asa | עשה |
I/you/he say(s) | omer | אומר |
He mumbled | milmel | מילמל |
He/it started | hitkhil | התחיל |
We/you/they know | yodim | יודעים |
I/you/he must | khayav | חייב |
He whispered | lakhash | לחש |
He shouted | tsa’ak | צעק |
He/it was heard | nishma | נשמע |
He went | halakh | הלך |
He went out | yatsa | יצא |
That seems/seemed | shenire/shenira | שנראה |
I/you/he/she do(es) | ose/osa | עושה |
I/you/he/it is found; he/it was found | nimtsa | נמצא |
He related, told | siper | סיפר |
I/you/he/it go(es) | holekh | הולך |
To call, read | likro | לקרוא |
He/it guards, keeps | shomer | שומר |
He entered | nikhnas | נכנס |
He arrived | higi’a | הגיע |
He read | kara | קרא |
To read, tell, relate | lesaper | לספר |
To take | lakakhat | לקחת |
To know | lada’at | לדעת |
To pass, move | la’avor | לעבור |
He returned | khazar | חזר |
He/it passed | avar | עבר |
He sat down | hityashev | התיישב |
He/it will be able | yukhal | יוכל |
He/it raised | herim | הרים |
They stood | amdu | עמדו |
She stood | amda | עמדה |
To sleep | lishon | לישון |
That she was | shehaita | שהיתה |
To learn, study | lilmod | ללמוד |
I said | amarti | אמרתי |
To hear, listen | lishmo’a | לשמוע |
To think | lakhshov | לחשוב |
To say | lomar | לומר |
To catch | litpos | לתפוס |
He fell | nafal | נפל |
He rose, ascended | ala | עלה |
He continued | himshikh | המשיך |
Be able | mesugal | מסוגל |
To find | limtso | למצוא |
To return | lakhzor | לחזור |
He looked | histakel | הסתכל |
To ask | lishol | לשאול |
He caught | tafas | תפס |
He received | kibel | קיבל |
He succeeded, managed | hispik | הספיק |
You were (m.s./f.s.) | hayita/hayit | היית |
I/you/she know(s) | yoda’at | יודעת |
I/you/he/she hope(s) | mekave/mekava | מקווה |
He sat | yashav | ישב |
To receive, accept | lekabel | לקבל |
He found | matsa | מצא |
You (m.)/she will be | tihiye | תהיה |
To look | lehistakel | להסתכל |
They went out | yatsu | יצאו |
We/you/they say | omrim | אומרים |
I saw | ra’iti | ראיתי |
We/you/they must | khayavim | חייבים |
He/it jumped | zinek | זינק |
That they were | shehayu | שהיו |
I/you/he stands up; he stood up | ne’emad | נעמד |
They arrived | higi’u | הגיעו |
He proffered, stretched out (hand) | hoshit | הושיט |
He turned | pana | פנה |
To buy | liknot | לקנות |
I/you/he understand(s) | mevin | מבין |
I/you/he play(s) | mesakhek | משחק |
He approached | hitkarev | התקרב |
They heard | shamu | שמעו |
Come! [command] (m.s.) | bo | בוא |
He gave | natan | נתן |
He emitted, divulged | palat | פלט |
And he tried | venisa | וניסה |
Come! [command] (m.p.) | bo’u | בואו |
And he looked | vehibit | והביט |
We/you/they need (m.) | tsrikhim | צריכים |
I thought | khashavti | חשבתי |
He smiled | khiyekh | חייך |
He assumed | shi’er | שיער |
To search, look for | lekhapes | לחפש |
To kill | laharog | להרוג |
Give! [command] (m.s.) | ten | תן |
They went | halkhu | הלכו |
They passed | avru | עברו |
He hurried | miher | מיהר |
I/you/he/she/it happen(s) | kore/kora | קורה |
To continue | lehamshikh | להמשיך |
I/you/he remember(s) | zokher | זוכר |
To remain | lehisha’er | להישאר |
That he/it will be | sheyihiye | שיהיה |
I knew | yadati | ידעתי |
To go out, exit | latset | לצאת |
I heard | shamati | שמעתי |
They wanted | ratsu | רצו |
They ran | ratsu | רצו |
He held | hekhzik | החזיק |
I/you/he guess(es)/assume(s) | meni’akh | מניח |
We/you/they want | rotsim | רוצים |
To try | lenasot | לנסות |
To eat | le’ekhol | לאכול |
He stepped | tsa’ad | צעד |
They saw | ra’u | ראו |
I/you/he search(es) | mekhapes | מחפש |
We/you/they do (m.) | osim | עושים |
We/you/they try (m.) | menasim | מנסים |
We/you/they think (m.) | khoshvim | חושבים |
I/you/he/she seem(s)/resemble(s) | nidme/nidma | נדמה |
I/you/she say(s) | omeret | אומרת |
He spoke | diber | דיבר |
I/you/he become(s); we will do | na’ase | נעשה |
He became | na’asa | נעשה |
I/you/he remain(s); he remained | nishar | נשאר |
That he saw | shera’a | שראה |
He appeared | hofi’a | הופיע |
They knew | yadu | ידעו |
They could | yakhlu | יכלו |
And he said | ve’amar | ואמר |
To go up, get onto | la’alot | לעלות |
To evade, bypass | la’akof | לעקוף |
He turned around | histovev | הסתובב |
You saw (m./f.s.) | ra’ita/ra’it | ראית |
They entered | nikhnesu | נכנסו |
To visit | levaker | לבקר |
We/you/they stand | omdim | עומדים |
I/you/he lean(s); he leant | nishan | נשען |
To explain | lehasbir | להסביר |
I/you/he come(s); he came | ba | בא |
I/you/he move(s); he moved | zaz | זז |
To play | lesakhek | לשחק |
Tell, Say! [command] | tagid | תגיד |
I/you/he run(s); he ran | rats | רץ |
He understood | hevin | הבין |
He tugged, pulled | mashakh | משך |
He feared | pahkad | פחד |
He died; I/you/he die(s) | met | מת |
To look, glance | lehabit | להביט |
He brought out | hotsi | הוציא |
I/you/he love(s) | ohev | אוהב |
To enter | lehikanes | להיכנס |
They said | amru | אמרו |
Should, supposed to | amur | אמור |
She shouted | tsa’aka | צעקה |
I/you/he succeed(s) | matsli’akh | מצליח |
To steal | lignov | לגנוב |
We/you/they can | yekholim | יכולים |
To discover, find out | legalot | לגלות |
To discern, notice, make out | lehavkhin | להבחין |
We/you/they call; We/you/they read | korim | קוראים |
To insert, bring in | lehakhnis | להכניס |
He sighed | ne’enakh | נאנח |
I/you/he is obliged; he was obliged | ne’elats | נאלץ |
That I/you/he need(s) | shetsarikh | שצריך |
I/you/he smile(s) | mekhayekh | מחייך |
He disappeared | ne’elam | נעלם |
They thought | khashvu | חשבו |
To turn into, become | lahafokh | להפוך |
He turned over; He/it turned into | hafakh | הפך |
To use | lehishtamesh | להשתמש |
He moved past | khalaf | חלף |
She arrived | higi’a | הגיעה |
To run | laruts | לרוץ |
To sit | lashevet | לשבת |
He left | azav | עזב |
It was opened | niftekha | נפתחה |
To bring | lehavi | להביא |
He jumped | kafats | קפץ |
He lay down | shakhav | שכב |
I will be | ehiye | אהיה |
He lost | ibed | איבד |
I/you/he sleep(s); He slept | yeshen/yashan | ישן |
And he started | vehekhel | והחל |
She went out, exited | yatsa | יצאה |
They sat | yashvu | ישבו |
He/it made a sound | hishmi’a | השמיע |
They succeeded | hitslikhu | הצליחו |
I/you/he need(s) | zakuk le… | זקוק ל... |
He had difficulty | hitkashe | התקשה |
That he said | she’amar | שאמר |
He remembered | nizkar | נזכר |
To guard, keep, maintain | lishmor | לשמור |
He scolded | ga’ar | גער |
I/you/he look(s) | mistakel | מסתכל |
He learned, studied | lamad | למד |
He took | lakakh | לקח |
He hissed, muttered angrily | sinen | סינן |
He answered | ana | ענה |
They looked | hibitu | הביטו |
They started | hekhelu | החלו |
They climbed | tipsu | טיפסו |
He sent | shalakh | שלח |
He woke up | hitorer | התעורר |
They will be | yihiyu | יהיו |
He put in, brought in | hikhnis | הכניס |
And he/it started | vehitkhil | והתחיל |
To deduct, reduce, remove clothing | lehorid | להוריד |
They started | hitkhilu | התחילו |
And he saw | vera’a | וראה |
To remove, take out | lehotsi | להוציא |
He nodded | hinhen | הינהן |
I/you/he hate(s) | sone | שונא |
To come | lavo | לבוא |
To open | lifto’akh | לפתוח |
I/you/he hold(s), possess(es) | makhzik | מחזיק |
We were | hayinu | היינו |
They will be able | yukhlu | יוכלו |
To take care of, deal with | letapel | לטפל |
I/you/she think(s) | khoshevet | חושבת |
That he stood | she’amad | שעמד |
To leave | la’azov | לעזוב |
To give, allow | latet | לתת |
Take! [command] | kakh | קח |
He lowered, took off clothing | horid | הוריד |
He will succeed | yatsli’akh | יצליח |
You (m.s.) will be able; she will be able | tukhal | תוכל |
He laughed | tsakhak | צחק |
He screamed | tsarakh | צרח |
She started | hekhela | החלה |
He/it shivered, trembled | ra’ad | רעד |
He lived | khai | חי |
It shows | mare | מראה |
Conjunction | milat kishur | מילת קישור |
But, however | aval | אבל |
If, whether | im | אם |
Only, just | rak | רק |
Also | gam | גם |
Because | ki | כי |
Or | o | או |
Not even | af | אף |
As though | ke’ilu | כאילו |
But, however | ela | אלא |
But, yet, however | akh | אך |
That also | shegam | שגם |
And also | vegam | וגם |
And | ve, u | ו |
Than, compared to | me’asher | מאשר |
Therefore, so | lakhen | לכן |
But, however | ulam | אולם |
And if | ve’im | ואם |
If, if only | lu | לוּ |
That only, that just | sherak | שרק |
Question word | milat she'ela | מילת שאלה |
What | ma | מה |
How | eikh | איך |
How much, how many | kama | כמה |
Who | mi | מי |
Why | lama | למה |
Where | eifo | איפה |
And what | uma | ומה |
To where | le’an | לאן |
Why | madu’a | מדוע |
From what, of what, than what | mima | ממה |
Quantity | shem kamut | שם כמות |
All, every | kol | כל |
In all, in every | bekhol | בכל |
Everything | hakol | הכול |
To all | lekhol | לכל |
Of all, from all | mikol | מכל |
That all | shekol | שכל |
And all | vekol | וכל |
As much as, just like | kekhol | ככל |
Number | mispar | מספר |
One | ekhad | אחד |
One | akhat | אחת |
Two (of) | shnei | שני |
Three | shlosha | שלושה |
Ten | eser | עשר |
Five | khamesh | חמש |
Nine | tesha | תשע |
Both of them | shneihem | שניהם |
Two (of) | shtei | שתי |
Four | arba | ארבע |
Three | shalosh | שלוש |
Twenty | esrim | עשרים |
Four | arba’a | ארבעה |
Both of you | shneikhem | שניכם |
Hundreds | me’ot | מאות |
Thirty | shloshim | שלושים |
Eleven | akhat esre | אחת־עשרה |
Hundred | me’a | מאה |
And three | ushlosha | ושלושה |
Quarters | reva’im | רבעים |
Adjective | to'ar | תואר |
Good | tov | טוב |
Big, large, great | gadol | גדול |
Correct, true | nakhon | נכון |
Simple | pashut | פשוט |
Ok, all right | beseder | בסדר |
Small, little | katan | קטן |
The first | harishon | הראשון |
The large, the big | hagadol | הגדול |
Big, large, great (f.) | gdola | גדולה |
Certain, sure | batu’akh | בטוח |
Strong | khazak | חזק |
Clear; naturally! | barur | ברור |
The first (f.) | harishona | הראשונה |
Full | male | מלא |
Enough, sufficient | maspik | מספיק |
Hard, difficult | kashe | קשה |
The other (p.) | ha’akherim | האחרים |
The second | hasheni | השני |
The last | ha’akharon | האחרון |
Strange | muzar | מוזר |
High, tall | gavoha | גבוה |
Happy, joyful | same’akh | שמח |
Nice, beautiful | yafe | יפה |
Long | arokh | ארוך |
Additional, another | nosaf | נוסף |
Alive, living | bekhayim | בחיים |
Interesting | me’anyen | מעניין |
Previous, preceding | kodem | קודם |
Terrible | nora | נורא |
Famous, well known | mefursam | מפורסם |
Late, later | me’ukhar | מאוחר |
Ready | mukhan | מוכן |
Next | haba | הבא |
Different | akher | אחֵר |
The new | hakhadashim | החדשים |
Black | shakhor | שחור |
The third | hashlishit | השלישית |
Forbidden | asur | אסור |
-looking | lemare | למראה |
The dark | ha’ofel | האופל |
Written | katuv | כתוב |
Pleasant, nice | na’im | נעים |
Straight | yashar | ישר |
Loud | ram | רם |
Long | aruka | ארוכה |
Additional | nosafim | נוספים |
Big, large, great | gdolim | גדולים |
Concerned about, care for | ikhpat | איכפת |
Small, little | ktana | קטנה |
Close, nearby | karov | קרוב |
Excellent, wonderful | nifla | נפלא |
Brown | khum | חום |
Dead | met | מת |
Much, great | rav | רב |
Huge, giant | anak | ענק |
Preferable | adif | עדיף |
Shocked, astounded | hamum | המום |
The enormous, giant | ha’anak | הענק |
The smart, wise | hakhakhamim | החכמים |
Additional | nosefet | נוספת |
The last | ha’akharona | האחרונה |
Old | yashan | ישן |
Light, easy, slight | kal | קל |
Light, easy, slight | kala | קלה |
The black | hashakhor | השחור |
Much, a lot | rabim | רבים |
Whole | kulo | כולו |
Bad | garu’a | גרוע |
Nice, pleasant | nekhmad | נחמד |
Ready | mukhanim | מוכנים |
Impossible | i efshar | אי־אפשר |
Sharp | khad | חד |
Alive | khai | חי |
Green | yarok | ירוק |
New | khadashim | חדשים |
Small, little | ktanim | קטנים |
The only | hayekhidi | היחידי |
The good | hatovim | טובים |
The new | hakhadash | החדש |
Noun | shem etsem | שם עצם |
Time, occasion, once | pa’am | פעם |
The professor | haprofesor | הפרופסור |
The uncle | hadod | הדוד |
Thing | davar | דבר |
In (the) time, when | bazman | בזמן |
The door | hadelet | הדלת |
People | anashim | אנשים |
Way, path | derekh | דרך |
Professor | profesor | פרופסור |
Himself | atsmo | עצמו |
In a voice | bekol | בקול |
In the direction | lakivun | לכיוון |
Heart | lev | לב |
The stone | ha’even | האבן |
Inside, interior | tokh | תוך |
His eyes | einav | עיניו |
Mrs., lady | gveret | גברת |
Mr. | mar | מר |
His face, its surface | pnav | פניו |
Back, returning | khazara | חזרה |
His head | rosho | ראשו |
The time | hazman | הזמן |
Moment | rega | רגע |
In the air | ba’avir | באוויר |
Tonight; the night | halaila | הלילה |
The school | beit hasefer | בית־הספר |
Day | yom | יום |
The boy, the child | hayeled | הילד |
Time | zman | זמן |
The broom | hamatate | המטאטא |
Glance, look | mabat | מבט |
Points | nekudot | נקודות |
The wand | hasharvit | השרביט |
Garlic; not any | shum | שום |
The aunt | hadoda | הדודה |
From most, from much | merov | מרוב |
Place, spot, seat | makom | מקום |
Boy, child | yeled | ילד |
Voice | kol | קול |
The room | hakheder | החדר |
The students | hatalmidim | התלמידים |
Money | kesef | כסף |
Things | dvarim | דברים |
Minutes | dakot | דקות |
His hand | yado | ידו |
The mirror | hare’i | הראי |
The letter | hamikhtav | המכתב |
The house | haba’it | הבית |
The thing | hadavar | הדבר |
In a place | bemakom | במקום |
Room | kheder | חדר |
The floor | haritspa | הריצפה |
The train | harakevet | הרכבת |
Number | mispar | מספר |
The others | ha’akherim | האחרים |
Mother, mom | ima | אמא |
His/its honor | kvodo | כבודו |
On the way | baderekh | בדרך |
The robe, cloak | haglima | הגלימה |
Face | panim | פנים |
His legs/feet | raglav | רגליו |
Father, dad | aba | אבא |
The table | hashulkhan | השולחן |
This time | hapa’am | הפעם |
At the moment | barega | ברגע |
Question | she’ela | שאלה |
The truth | ha’emet | האמת |
The year, this year | hashana | השנה |
Sir | adoni | אדוני |
The teachers | hamorim | המורים |
The people | ha’anashim | האנשים |
Years | shanim | שנים |
Door | delet | דלת |
At/with his head | berosho | בראשו |
Mr. | adon | אדון |
The moment | harega | הרגע |
In the room | bakheder | בחדר |
At o’clock; while | basha’a | בשעה |
In silence | besheket | בשקט |
The ground | hakarka | הקרקע |
The twins | hate’omim | התאומים |
Dragon | drakon | דרקון |
In the world | ba’olam | בעולם |
In the color | batseva | בצבע |
Owl | yanshuf | ינשוף |
Pair | zug | זוג |
Holiday | khag | חג |
Wizards | kosemim | קוסמים |
The game | hamiskhak | המשחק |
Wizard | kosem | קוסם |
Spells, charms, enchantments | ksamim | קסמים |
Students of | talmidei | תלמידי |
The name | hashem | השם |
The wall | hakir | הקיר |
The conical hat | hamitsnefet | המצנפת |
Year | shana | שנה |
The dog | hakelev | הכלב |
The books | hasfarim | הספרים |
Students | talmidim | תלמידים |
Blood | dam | דם |
Head | rosh | ראש |
The forest | haya’ar | היער |
The window | hakhalon | החלון |
Dragons | drakonim | דרקונים |
The things | hadvarim | הדברים |
Game | miskhak | משחק |
In the morning | baboker | בבוקר |
To the home; to house of | labayit; leveit | לבית |
Eyes | einayim | עיניים |
Man, person, human being | adam | אדם |
Man, person | ish | איש |
House | bayit | בית |
Wand | sharvit | שרביט |
Books | sfarim | ספרים |
The cat | hakhatula | החתולה |
His look, his gaze | mabato | מבטו |
On day | beyom | ביום |
In a game | bemiskhak | במשחק |
To the door | ladelet | לדלת |
Hair | se’ar | שיער |
Stone | even | אבן |
Light | or | אור |
Gold | zahav | זהב |
Luck | mazal | מזל |
Word | mila | מלה |
Face of, surface of | pnei | פני |
Magic | kesem | קסם |
Remainder, the rest | she’ar | שאר |
The evening | ha’erev | הערב |
At night | balaila | בלילה |
The sleep | hashena | השינה |
The school | beit hasefer | בבית־הספר |
At home; at house of | babayit; beveit | בבית |
In the middle | ba’emtsa | באמצע |
The morning | haboker | הבוקר |
The hall | ha’ulam | האולם |
The corridor | hamisdron | המסדרון |
Arm, hand | yad | יד |
Book | sefer | ספר |
The lesson | hashi’ur | השיעור |
The letters | hamikhtavim | המכתבים |
Seconds | shniyot | שניות |
The magic | hekesem | הקסם |
Unicorn | khad keren | חד־קרן |
Words | milim | מילים |
Owls | yanshufim | ינשופים |
Broom | matate | מטאטא |
On the stairs | bamadregot | במדרגות |
The houses | habatim | הבתים |
Powers, forces | kokhot | כוחות |
Half | khetsi | חצי |
The stairs | hamadregot | המדרגות |
Tree | ets | עץ |
The path, way | haderekh | הדרך |
Into a run, on the run | beritsa | בריצה |
The snake | hanakhash | הנחש |
The package | hakhavila | החבילה |
Idea | musag | מושג |
On/at the door | badelet | בדלת |
Letter | mikhtav | מכתב |
On/at the head/top | berosh | בראש |
On/at the end/edge | bakatse | בקצה |
Ball | kadur | כדור |
Smile | khiyukh | חיוך |
The scar | hatsaleket | הצלקת |
His back | gabo | גבו |
For a moment | lerega | לרגע |
Reason, cause | siba | סיבה |
Fear | pakhad | פחד |
Hour, o’clock | sha’a | שעה |
The place | hamakom | המקום |
Hall | ulam | אולם |
The family | hamishpakha | המשפחה |
Morning | boker | בוקר |
In/at the mirror | bare’i | בראי |
Stairs | madregot | מדרגות |
In a manner | be’ofen | באופן |
The crate, box | ha’argaz | הארגז |
Christmas | khag hamolad | חג המולד |
The disappearance | hahe’almut | ההיעלמות |
To/into the room | lakheder | לחדר |
His heart | libo | ליבו |
Woman, wife | isha | אשה |
Package | khavila | חבילה |
The fire | ha’esh | האש |
Heat, warmth | khom | חום |
Outside | khuts | חוץ |
Fire | esh | אש |
Head Boy; guide, mentor, leader | madrikh | מדריך |
Giant | anak | ענק |
Meal of | arukhat | ארוחת |
The shack, hut | habikta | הבקתה |
The giant | ha’anak | הענק |
Cloak of, robe of | glimat | גלימת |
The parents | hahorim | ההורים |
In the forest | baya’ar | ביער |
Times | pe’amim | פעמים |
Hands | kapayim | כפיים |
On his head | lerosho | לראשו |
Table | shulkhan | שולחן |
The closet, cupboard | ha’aron | הארון |
The trees | ha’etsim | העצים |
His mother | imo | אמו |
His nose | apo | אפו |
With/by the name | bashem | בשם |
His view, his opinion | da’ato | דעתו |
Hours | sha’ot | שעות |
The street | harekhov | הרחוב |
His way/path | darko | דרכו |
In his life | bekhayav | בחייו |
Chocolate | shokolad | שוקולד |
To the side | latsad | לצד |
Type, sort, kind | min | מין |
Doubt, uncertainty | safek | ספק |
The key | hamafte’akh | המפתח |
Choice | brera | ברירה |
The team, group | hakvutsa | הקבוצה |
The hair | hase’ar | השיער |
The clubhouse; the common room | hamo’adon | המועדון |
Madam | madam | מדאם |
In the week | bashavu’a | בשבוע |
In silence | bidmama | בדממה |
Yourself (m./f.) | atsmekha/atsmekh | עצמך |
For a time | bepa’am | בפעם |
The saints | hakdoshim | הקדושים |
Many people | rabim | רבים |
The wizards | hakosemim | הקוסמים |
Questions | she’elot | שאלות |
Witch | mekhashefa | מכשפה |
His aunt | dodato | דודתו |
Silence, calm | dmama | דממה |
From the room | mehakheder | מהחדר |
Minute, moment | daka | דקה |
The nose | ha’af | האף |
The tree | ha’ets | העץ |
With abilities, with powers | bekokhot | בכוחות |
The picture | hatmuna | התמונה |
The ball | hakadur | הכדור |
Tool / tool of | kli/klei | כלי |
For the cup of | bagvi’a | בגביע |
In the eyes, with eyes | ba’einayim | בעיניים |
The walls | hakirot | הקירות |
The book | hasefer | הספר |
A second | shniya | שנייה |
In light, with light | be’or | באור |
His voice | kolo | קולו |
In his hand | beyado | בידו |
Sight | mare | מראה |
Centimeter | sentimeter | סנטימטר |
Baby | tinok | תינוק |
The wizard | hakosem | הקוסם |
Material, substance | khomer | חומר |
The seeker | hamekhapes | המחפש |
The brothers | ha’akhim | האחים |
Team, group | kvutsa | קבוצה |
On the way | laderekh | לדרך |
Night | laila | לילה |
Nonsense | shtuyot | שטויות |
To the hall | la’ulam | לאולם |
Tea | te | תה |
The woman | ha’isha | האשה |
End | sof | סוף |
Family of | mishpakhat | משפחת |
Evening | erev | ערב |
His name | shmo | שמו |
Books of | sifrei | ספרי |
The couch, sofa | hasapa | הספה |
Interjection | milar kri'a | מילת קריאה |
Hey, so, eh! | nu | נו |
Ah, eh! | a | אה |
Thank you | toda | תודה |
Oy, oh, oh my! | oi | אוי |
Excuse me, sorry | slikha | סליחה |
Here is… | hine | הנה |
Please, you’re welcome, here you are | bevakasha | בבקשה |
Indeed | harei | הרי |