Lesson 5 - adjectives
Nouns have gender - masculine or feminine.
Adjectives come after nouns.
Adjectives and nouns must agree in gender (masc./fem.) and number (singular/plural).
The suffix to indicate 'masculine plural' is ים, although occasionally ות is sometimes used.
The suffix to indicate 'feminine plural' is ות, although occasionally ים is sometimes used.
Hebrew uses a definite article ("the" = ה); it is attached to nouns as a prefix.
Hebrew does not use indefinite articles ("a", "an"); they are only implied if "the/ה" is absent.
Adjectives come after nouns.
Adjectives and nouns must agree in gender (masc./fem.) and number (singular/plural).
The suffix to indicate 'masculine plural' is ים, although occasionally ות is sometimes used.
The suffix to indicate 'feminine plural' is ות, although occasionally ים is sometimes used.
Hebrew uses a definite article ("the" = ה); it is attached to nouns as a prefix.
Hebrew does not use indefinite articles ("a", "an"); they are only implied if "the/ה" is absent.
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
falafel | fa-la-fel | פלאפל |
the falafel | ha-fa-la-fel | הפלאפל |
tasty falafel | fa-la-fel ta-im | פלאפל טעים |
the tasty falafel | ha-fa-la-fel ha-ta-im | הפלאפל הטעים |
ice cream | gli-da | גלידה |
the ice cream | ha-gli-da | הגלידה |
tasty ice cream | gli-da te-i-ma | גלידה טעימה |
the tasty ice cream | ha-gli-da ha-te-i-ma | הגלידה הטעימה |
salads | sa-la-tim | סלטים |
the salads | ha-sa-la-tim | הסלטים |
tasty salads | sa-la-tim te-i-mim | סלטים טעימים |
the tasty salads | ha-sa-la-tim ha-te-i-mim | הסלטים הטעימים |
cakes | u-got | עוגות |
the cakes | ha-u-got | העוגות |
tasty cakes | u-got te-i-mot | עוגות טעימות |
the tasty cakes | ha-u-got ha-te-i-mot | העוגות הטעימות |
book | se-fer | ספר |
the book | ha-se-fer | הספר |
funny book | se-fer mats-khik | ספר מצחיק |
the funny book | ha-se-fer ha-mats-khik | הספר המצחיק |
word | mi-la | מילה |
the word | ha-mi-la | המילה |
funny word | mi-la mats-khi-ka | מילה מצחיקה |
the funny word | ha-mi-la ha-mats-khi-ka | המילה המצחיקה |
movies | sra-tim | סרטים |
the movies | ha-sra-tim | הסרטים |
funny movies | sra-tim mats-khi-kim | סרטים מצחיקים |
the funny movies | ha-sra-tim ha-mats-khi-kim | הסרטים המצחיקים |
jokes | be-di-khot | בדיחות |
the jokes | ha-be-di-khot | הבדיחות |
funny jokes | be-di-khot mats-khi-kot | בדיחות מצחיקות |
the funny jokes | ha-be-di-khot ha-mats-khi-kot | הבדיחות המצחיקות |