Lesson 9 - suffixes
Hebrew commonly adds suffixes to prepositions and nouns.
When attached to nouns, the suffixes indicate possession, though של is more commonly used in this regard in Modern Hebrew.
When attached to prepositions, they indicate either possession or a sort of directionality towards a person.
You will see many other examples in your Hebrew studies, but these are the more common examples in regards to prepositions.
When attached to nouns, the suffixes indicate possession, though של is more commonly used in this regard in Modern Hebrew.
When attached to prepositions, they indicate either possession or a sort of directionality towards a person.
You will see many other examples in your Hebrew studies, but these are the more common examples in regards to prepositions.
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
1st person sing. | -i | …י |
2nd person sing. masc. | -kha | …ך |
2nd person sing. fem. | -akh | …ך |
3rd person sing. masc. | -o, (-v, -u) | …ו |
3rd person sing. fem. | -a | …ה |
1st person pl. | -nu | …נו |
2nd person pl. masc. | -khem | …כם |
2nd person pl. fem. | -khen | …כן |
3rd person pl. masc. | -hem | …הם |
3rd person pl. fem. | -hen | …הן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I'm cold. | kar li. | קר לי. |
Congratulations on your new house. | ma-zal tov al ha-ba-yit ha-kha-dash she-la-khem. | מזל טוב על הבית החדש שלכם. |
I love you. | a-ni o-he-vet ot-kha. | אני אוהבת אותך. |
I opened the closet and I found in it the coat I was looking for. | pa-takh-ti et ha-a-ron u-ma-tsa-ti bo et ha-me-il she-khi-pas-ti. | פתחתי את הארון ומצאתי בו את המעיל שחיפשתי. |
Are you going with them or with me? | at no-sa-at i-tam o i-ti? | את נוסעת איתם או איתי? |
I think the cat fell asleep on you yesterday night. | nid-me li she-ha-kha-tu-la nir-de-ma a-laikh et-mol ba-lai-la. | נדמה לי שהחתולה נרדמה עליך אתמול בלילה. |
We are inviting over to our place some guests for Shabbat. | a-nakh-nu maz-mi-nim e-le-nu o-re-khim le-sha-bat. | אנחנו מזמינים אלינו אורחים לשבת. |
We baked a cake for them. | a-fi-nu u-ga bish-vi-lan. | אפינו עוגה בשבילן. |
She's 2 km away from my apartment. | ha-mer-khak mi-me-na el ha-di-ra she-li hu shnei ki-lo-me-ter. | המרחק ממנה אל הדירה שלי הוא 2 ק"מ. |
Shall we meet at our place or yours? | ni-pa-gesh ets-le-nu o ets-le-khen? | ניפגש אצלנו או אצלכן? |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(to, for) me | li | לי |
(to, for) you (m.s.) | le-kha | לך |
(to, for) you (f.s.) | lakh | לך |
(to, for) him | lo | לו |
(to, for) her | la | לה |
(to, for) us | la-nu | לנו |
(to, for) you (m.p.) | la-khem | לכם |
(to, for) you (f.p.) | la-khen | לכן |
(to, for) them (m.p.) | la-hem | להם |
(to, for) them (f.p.) | la-hen | להן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
mine | she-li | שלי |
your(s) (m.s.) | shel-kha | שלך |
your(s) (f.s.) | she-lakh | שלך |
his | she-lo | שלו |
her(s) | she-la | שלה |
our(s) | she-la-nu | שלנו |
your(s) (m.p.) | she-la-khem | שלכם |
your(s) (f.p.) | she-la-khen | שלכן |
their(s) (m.p.) | she-la-hem | שלהם |
their(s) (f.p.) | she-la-hen | שלהן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
me | o-ti | אותי |
you (m.s.) | ot-kha | אותך |
you (f.s.) | o-takh | אותך |
him | o-to | אותו |
her | o-ta | אותה |
us | o-ta-nu | אותנו |
you (m.p.) | et-khem | אתכם |
you (f.p.) | et-khen | אתכן |
them (m.p.) | o-tam | אותם |
them (f.p.) | o-tan | אותן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(in, on, at, by) me | bi | בי |
(in, on, at, by) you (m.s.) | be-kha | בך |
(in, on, at, by) you (f.s.) | bakh | בך |
(in, on, at, by) him | bo | בו |
(in, on, at, by) her | ba | בה |
(in, on, at, by) us | ba-nu | בנו |
(in, on, at, by) you (m.p.) | ba-khem | בכם |
(in, on, at, by) you (f.p.) | ba-khen | בכן |
(in, on, at, by) them (m.p.) | ba-hem | בהם |
(in, on, at, by) them (f.p.) | ba-hen | בהן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(with) me | i-ti | איתי |
(with) you (m.s.) | it-kha | איתך |
(with) you (f.s.) | i-takh | איתך |
(with) him | i-to | איתו |
(with) her | i-ta | איתה |
(with) us | i-ta-nu | איתנו |
(with) you (m.p.) | it-khem | איתכם |
(with) you (f.p.) | it-khen | איתכן |
(with) them (m.p.) | i-tam | איתם |
(with) them (f.p.) | i-tan | איתן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(on, about) me | a-lai | עלי |
(on, about) you (m.s.) | a-le-kha | עליך |
(on, about) you (f.s.) | a-laikh | עליך |
(on, about) him | a-lav | עליו |
(on, about) her | a-le-ha | עליה |
(on, about) us | a-le-nu | עלינו |
(on, about) you (m.p.) | a-le-khem | עליכם |
(on, about) you (f.p.) | a-le-khen | עליכן |
(on, about) them (m.p.) | a-le-hem | עליהם |
(on, about) them (f.p.) | a-le-hen | עליהן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(at, to, towards) me | e-lai | אלי |
(at, to, towards) you (m.s.) | e-le-kha | אליך |
(at, to, towards) you (f.s.) | e-laikh | אליך |
(at, to, towards) him | e-lav | אליו |
(at, to, towards) her | e-le-ha | אליה |
(at, to, towards) us | e-le-nu | אלינו |
(at, to, towards) you (m.p.) | a-le-khem | אליכם |
(at, to, towards) you (f.p.) | a-le-khen | אליכן |
(at, to, towards) them (m.p.) | a-le-hem | אליהם |
(at, to, towards) them (f.p.) | a-le-hen | אליהן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(for) me | bish-vi-li | בשבילי |
(for) you (m.s.) | bish-vil-kha | בשבילך |
(for) you (f.s.) | bish-vi-lakh | בשבילך |
(for) him | bish-vi-lo | בשבילו |
(for) her | bish-vi-la | בשבילה |
(for) us | bish-vi-la-nu | בשבילנו |
(for) you (m.p.) | bish-vil-khem | בשבילכם |
(for) you (f.p.) | bish-vil-khen | בשבילכן |
(for) them (m.p.) | bish-vi-lam | בשבילם |
(for) them (f.p.) | bish-vi-lan | בשבילן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(from, of, than) me | mi-me-ni | ממני |
(from, of, than) you (m.s.) | mim-kha | ממך |
(from, of, than) you (f.s.) | mi-mekh | ממך |
(from, of, than) him | mi-me-nu | ממנו |
(from, of, than) her | mi-me-na | ממנה |
(from, of, than) us | me-i-ta-nu | מאיתנו |
(from, of, than) you (m.p.) | mi-kem | מכם |
(from, of, than) you (f.p.) | mi-ken | מכן |
(from, of, than) them (m.p.) | me-hem | מהם |
(from, of, than) them (f.p.) | me-hen | מהן |
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
(at, in the possession of) me | ets-li | אצלי |
(at, in the possession of) you (m.s.) | ets-le-kha | אצלך |
(at, in the possession of) you (f.s.) | ets-lekh | אצלך |
(at, in the possession of) him | ets-lo | אצלו |
(at, in the possession of) her | ets-la | אצלה |
(at, in the possession of) us | ets-le-nu | אצלנו |
(at, in the possession of) you (m.p.) | ets-le-khem | אצלכם |
(at, in the possession of) you (f.p.) | ets-le-khen | אצלכן |
(at, in the possession of) them (m.p.) | ets-lam | אצלם |
(at, in the possession of) them (f.p.) | ets-lan | אצלן |