Lesson 19 - pu'al verbs
Pu'al verbs are generally (but not always) the passive form of pi'el verbs, which are active. Not terribly common in everyday speech.
pi'el = שלם = pay
pu'al = שולם = be paid
pi'el = צלם = photograph
pu'al = צולם = be photographed
pi'el = בקר = visit
pu'al = בוקר = be visited
pi'el = שכנע = convince
pu'al = שוכנע = be convinced
pi'el = שלם = pay
pu'al = שולם = be paid
pi'el = צלם = photograph
pu'al = צולם = be photographed
pi'el = בקר = visit
pu'al = בוקר = be visited
pi'el = שכנע = convince
pu'al = שוכנע = be convinced
present tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I/you/he (m.s.) is being photographed | [ani, ata, hu] me-tsu-lam | [אני, אתה, הוא] מצולם |
I/you/she (f.s.) is being photographed | [ani, at, hi] me-tsu-le-met | [אני, את, היא] מצולמת |
we/you/they (m.p.) are being photographed | [anakhnu, atem, hem] me-tsu-la-mim | [אנחנו, אתם, הם] מצולמים |
we/you/they (f.p.) are being photographed | [anakhnu, aten, hen] me-tsu-la-mot | [אנחנו, אתן, הן] מצולמות |
past tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I was photographed | [ani] tsu-lam-ti | [אני] צולמתי |
you (m.s.) were photographed | [ata] tsu-lam-ta | [אתה] צולמת |
you (f.s.) were photographed | [at] tsu-lamt | [את] צולמת |
he was photographed | [hu] tsu-lam | [הוא] צולם |
she was photographed | [hi] tsul-ma | [היא] צולמה |
we were photographed | [anakhnu] tsu-lam-nu | [אנחנו] צולמנו |
you (m.p.) were photographed | [atem] tsu-lam-tem | [אתם] צולמתם |
you (f.p.) were photographed | [aten] tsu-lam-ten | [אתן] צולמתן |
they (m,f) were photographed | [hem, hen] tsul-mu | [הם, הן] צולמו |
future tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I will be photographed | [ani] a-tsu-lam | [אני] אצולם |
you (m.s.) will be photographed | [ata] te-tsu-lam | [אתה] תצולם |
you (f.s.) will be photographed | [at] te-tsul-mi | [את] תצולמי |
he will be photographed | [hu] ye-tsu-lam | [הוא] יצולם |
she will be photographed | [hi] te-tsu-lam | [היא] תצולם |
we will be photographed | [anakhnu] ne-tsu-lam | [אנחנו] נצולם |
you (m, f) will be photographed | [atem, aten] te-tsul-mu | [אתם, אתן] תצולמו |
they (m,f) will be photographed | [hem, hen] ye-tsul-mu | [הם, הן] יצולמו |
example sentences
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
He is being photographed. | hu me-tsu-lam. | הוא מצולם. |
She is being photographed by the photographer. | hi me-tsu-le-met al ya-dei ha-tsa-lam. | היא מצולמת ע"י הצלם. |
We are having our picture taken today. | a-nakh-nu me-tsu-la-mim ha-yom. | אנחנו מצולמים היום. |
All the girls are having their picture taken. | kol ha-ba-not me-tsu-la-mot ha-yom. | כל הבנות מצולמות היום. |
I had my picture taken for school last week. | tsu-lam-ti ba-sha-vu-a she-a-var bish-vil beit ha-se-fer. | צולמתי בשבוע שעבר בשביל בית הספר. |
She was photographed yesterday. | hi tsul-ma et-mol. | היא צולמה אתמול. |
We had our picture taken for a news article. | tsu-lam-nu bish-vil ka-ta-va ba-i-ton. | צולמנו בשביל כתבה בעיתון. |
They were photographed for their new ID cards. | hem tsul-mu bish-vil te-u-dat ha-ze-hut ha-kha-da-shot she-la-hem. | הם צולמו בשביל תעודות הזהות החדשות שלהם. |
I will have my picture taken tomorrow. | a-ni a-tsu-lam ma-khar. | אני אצולם מחר. |
She will be photographed because she's a model. | hi te-tsu-lam mi-ke-van she-hi dug-ma-nit. | היא תצולם מכיוון שהיא דוגמנית. |
We will be photographed for a magazine. | a-nakh-nu ne-tsu-lam la-ma-ga-zin. | אנחנו נצולם למגזין. |
You will have your picture taken tomorrow. | a-tem te-tsul-mu ma-khar. | אתם תצולמו מחר. |
צוטט, שולם, שוכנע
extra sentences
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
She was quoted 15 times. | hi tsu-te-ta kha-mesh es-re pe-a-mim. | היא צוטטה 15 פעמים. |
We are quoted very often. | a-nakh-nu me-tsu-ta-tim le-i-tim kro-vot. | אנחנו מצוטטים לעיתים קרובות. |
The bills were paid in full. | ha-khesh-bo-not shul-mu bim-lo-am. | החשבונות שולמו במלואם. |
I was misquoted. | tsu-ta-te-ti she-lo ka-ha-la-kha. | צוטטתי שלא כהלכה. |
She will be convinced, I am sure of it. | hi te-shukh-na, a-ni ba-tu-akh be-khakh. | היא תשוכנע, אני בטוח בכך. |