Lesson 22 - huf'al verbs
Huf'al verbs are generally (but not always) the passive form of hif'il verbs, which are active. Not terribly common in everyday speech.
hif'il = מזכיר = mention
huf'al = מוזכר = be mentioned
hif'il = מחליף = replace
huf'al = מוחלף = be replaced
hif'il = מזניח = neglect
huf'al = מוזנח = be neglected
hif'il = מזכיר = mention
huf'al = מוזכר = be mentioned
hif'il = מחליף = replace
huf'al = מוחלף = be replaced
hif'il = מזניח = neglect
huf'al = מוזנח = be neglected
present tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I/you/he (m.s.) is mentioned | [ani, ata, hu] muz-kar | [אני, אתה, הוא] מוזכר |
I/you/she (f.s.)) is mentioned | [ani, at, hi] muz-ke-ret | [אני, את, היא] מוזכרת |
we/you/they (m.p.)) are mentioned | [anakhnu, atem, hem] muz-ka-rim | [אנחנו, אתם, הם] מוזכרים |
we/you/they (f.p.) are mentioned | [anakhnu, aten, hen] muz-ka-rot | [אנחנו, אתן, הן] מוזכרות |
past tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I was mentioned | [ani] huz-kar-ti | [אני] הוזכרתי |
you (m.s.) were mentioned | [ata] huz-kar-ta | [אתה] הוזכרת |
you (f.s.) were mentioned | [at] huz-kart | [את] הוזכרת |
he was mentioned | [hu] huz-kar | [הוא] הוזכר |
she was mentioned | [hi] huz-ke-ra | [היא] הוזכרה |
we were mentioned | [anakhnu] huz-kar-nu | [אנחנו] הוזכרנו |
you (m.p.) were mentioned | [atem] huz-kar-tem | [אתם] הוזכרתם |
you (f.p.) were mentioned | [aten] huz-kar-ten | [אתן] הוזכרתן |
they (m,f) were mentioned | [hem, hen] huz-ke-ru | [הם, הן] הוזכרו |
future tense
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
I will be mentioned | [ani] uz-kar | [אני] אוזכר |
you (m.s.) will be mentioned | [ata] tuz-kar | [אתה] תוזכר |
you (f.s.) will be mentioned | [at] tuz-ke-ri | [את] תוזכרי |
he will be mentioned | [hu] yuz-kar | [הוא] יוזכר |
she will be mentioned | [hi] tuz-kar | [היא] תוזכר |
we will be mentioned | [anakhnu] nuz-kar | [אנחנו] נוזכר |
you (m, f) will be mentioned | [atem, aten] tuz-ke-ru | [אתם, אתן] תוזכרו |
they (m,f) will be mentioned | [hem, hen] yuz-ke-ru | [הם, הן] יוזכרו |
example sentences
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
His name is being mentioned in the newspaper today. | shmo muz-kar ha-yom ba-i-ton. | שמו מוזכר היום בעיתון. |
She is being mentioned on the news today. | hi muz-ke-ret ha-yom ba-kha-da-shot. | היא מוזכרת היום בחדשות. |
We are being mentioned on her blog today. | a-nakh-nu muz-ka-rim ha-yom ba-blog she-la. | אנחנו מוזכרים היום בבלוג שלה. |
The girls are being mentioned on tv today. | ha-ba-not muz-ka-rot ha-yom ba-te-le-viz-ya. | הבנות מוזכרות היום בטלויזיה. |
I was mentioned in the newspaper yesterday. | huz-kar-ti et-mol ba-i-ton. | הוזכרתי אתמול בעיתון. |
She was mentioned on the news yesterday. | hi huz-ke-ra et-mol ba-kha-da-shot. | היא הוזכרה אתמול בחדשות. |
We were mentioned on her blog yesterday. | huz-kar-nu et-mol ba-blog she-la. | הוזכרנו אתמול בבלוג שלה. |
They were mentioned on tv yesterday. | hem huz-ke-ru et-mol ba-te-le-viz-ya. | הם הוזכרו אתמול בטלויזיה. |
I will be mentioned in the newspaper tomorrow. | a-ni uz-kar ma-khar ba-i-ton. | אני אוזכר מחר בעיתון. |
She will be mentioned on the news tomorrow. | hi tuz-kar ma-khar ba-kha-da-shot. | היא תוזכר מחר בחדשות. |
We will be mentioned on her blog tomorrow. | a-nakh-nu nuz-kar ma-khar ba-blog she-la. | אנחנו נוזכר מחר בבלוג שלה. |
They will be mentioned on tv tomorrow. | hem yuz-ke-ru ma-khar ba-te-la-viz-ya. | הם יוזכרו מחר בטלויזיה. |
הוזכר, הוחלף
extra sentences
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
She was mentioned as a possible suspect by the police. | hi huz-ke-ra ke-kha-shu-da po-ten-tsi-a-lit al ye-dei ha-mish-ta-ra. | היא הוזכרה כחשודה פוטנציאלית ע"י המשטרה. |
We were replaced by the other team. | hukh-laf-nu ba-kvu-tsa ha-shni-ya. | הוחלפנו בקבוצה השנייה. |
The agents were called for action that night. | ha-sokh-nim huf-a-lu ba-e-rev ha-hu. | הסוכנים הופעלו בערב ההוא. |
I was replaced by Jacob. | hukh-laf-ti bi-ya-a-kov. | הוחלפתי ביעקב. |
She is replaced by a more efficient engineer. | hi mukh-le-fet be-me-han-de-set to-va yo-ter. | היא מוחלפת במהנדסת טובה יותר. |
We are mentioned by the press as potential nominees for the Oscar. | a-nakh-nu muz-ka-rim ba-i-to-nut ke-mo-a-ma-dim po-ten-tsi-a-lim la-os-kar. | אנחנו מוזכרים בעיתונות כמועמדים פוטנציאליים לאוסקר. |
They are often mentioned for their cruelty. | hem muz-ka-rim le-i-tim kro-vot be-shel akh-za-ri-u-tam. | הם מוזכרים לעיתים קרובות בשל אכזריותם. |
I will be mentioned in the headmaster's speech. | a-ni uz-kar be-ne-um ha-me-na-hel. | אני אוזכר בנאום המנהל. |
She will be replaced by someone else soon. | hi tukh-laf be-mi-she-hu a-kher be-ka-rov. | היא תוחלף במישהו אחר בקרוב. |
We will be mentioned in the PM's victory speech. | a-nu nuz-kar be-ne-um ha-ni-tsa-khon shel rosh ha-mem-sha-la. | אנו נוזכר בנאום הניצחון של ראש הממשלה. |
Don't worry, the faulty parts will be replaced soon. | al de-a-ga, ha-kha-la-kim ha-pgu-mim yukh-le-fu be-ka-rov. | אל דאגה, החלקים הפגומים יוחלפו בקרוב. |